Pain Assessment and Management: The Role of Occupational Therapy, 3rd Edition


Course Description

Course Description:

Although occupational therapy practitioners frequently work with clients who are experiencing pain, there is evidence that supports a biopsychosocial interdisciplinary approach when treating clients with chronic pain. The occupational therapy practitioner’s foundational knowledge of activity analysis and environmental adaptation is a valuable asset in treating pain. However, with a more detailed knowledge of pain, occupational therapy practitioners can be more effective when working with a variety of clients, groups, and populations. The purpose of this basic course is to elaborate on the definition of pain and its perception, factors hampering pain management, assessment of a client for pain, and occupational therapy interventions to improve function in clients with pain. The goal is to provide evidence-based practices that the occupational therapy practitioner can use when working with clients who have pain and to demonstrate the need for the occupational therapy practitioner’s role on pain management teams. 

Contact Hours: 2
Text Course Format: Text
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate BOC Level of Difficulty: Advanced